I have always been fascinated by wildlife photography, especially the ones that capture the drama and beauty of nature in action. That’s why I was instantly drawn to the work of Alex Brax, a Belgian photographer who specializes in wildlife. His Instagram account is full of amazing shots of a wide variety of animals from all over the world in their natural habitats.
One photo in particular caught my eye. It was titled “Those last seconds” and it showed a mother zebra trying to save her foal from the clutches of a cheetah. The photo was taken at the Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya, and it won the gold prize at the London Photography Awards in 2023, it was the 'Behavior' category winner in the Wild Art Photographer of the Year in 2022 and won the Africa Geographic Photo Contest in 2022. The photo was so powerful and emotional that I felt compelled to create a linocut print based on it.
I repeated this process several times until I had a series of prints that I was happy with. I let them dry overnight, and then I signed them. I also scanned one of them and sent it to Alex Brax, who was very impressed and complimented me on my work. I am very proud of this print, as I think it captures the essence and the emotion of the original photo. I also learned a lot from this project, both about wildlife photography and linocut printmaking.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my process and seeing my print. If you want to see more of my linocut prints, you can follow us on Instagram. And if you want to see more of Alex Brax’s photos, you can follow him on Instagram or visit his website.
Thank you for reading!